AMANDA, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver, is a backup solution that allows the IT administrator to set up a single master backup server to back up multiple hosts over network to tape drives/changers or disks or optical media. Amanda uses native utilities and formats (e.g. dump and/or GNU tar) and can back up a large number of servers and workstations running multiple versions of Linux or Unix.
Install Amanda Server
Install amanda packages using yum:
# yum install -y amanda*
Create the configuration file. I am going to name this backup project is ServerNetBackup. We need to create a directory named by this project and all configuration files for this project will be underneath it:
# mkdir /etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup
Create the core configuration file, amanda.conf:
vim /etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup/amanda.conf
And paste following line:
org "ServerNetBackup" # Organization name for reports
mailto "" # Email address to receive reports
netusage 10000 Kbps # Bandwidth limit, 10M
dumpcycle 1 week # Backup cycle is 7 days
runspercycle 7 # Run 7 times every 7 days
tapecycle 15 tapes # Dump to 15 different tapes during the cycle
tpchanger "chg-disk" # The tape-changer glue script
changerfile "/etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup/changer" # The tape-changer file
tapedev "file://central_backup/ServerNetBackup/slots" # The no-rewind tape device to be used
tapetype HARDDISK # Define the type of tape
infofile "/etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup/curinfo" # Database directory
logdir "/etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup/logs" # Log directory
indexdir "/etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup/index" # Index directory
define tapetype HARDDISK { # Define our tape behaviour
length 100000 mbytes # Every tape is 100GB in size
amrecover_changer "changer" # Changer for amrecover
define dumptype global { # The global dump definition
maxdumps 2 # The maximum number of backups run in parallel
estimate calcsize # Estimate the backup size before dump
holdingdisk yes # Dump to temp disk (holdingdisk) before backup to tape
index yes # Generate index. For restoration usage
define dumptype root-tar { # How to dump root's directory
global # Include global (as above)
program "GNUTAR" # Program name for compress
comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
compress none # No compress
index # Index this dump
priority low # Priority level
define dumptype user-tar { # How to dump user's directory
root-tar # Include root-tar (as above)
comment "user partitions dumped with tar"
priority medium # Priority level
define dumptype comp-user-tar { # How to dump & compress user's directory
user-tar # Include user-tar (as above)
compress client fast # Compress in client side with less CPU (fast)
Configure Backup Location
Prepare the directory to store all backups:
mkdir -p /central_backup/ServerNetBackup/slots
Assign correct permission to user amandabackup for the configuration directory and backup directory:
$ chown amandabackup.disk /central_backup -Rf
$ chown amandabackup.disk /etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup -Rf
Login as user amandabackup:
su - amandabackup
Create the virtual tape. This is where the backup files will be stored. We will need to create 15 slots as per tapecycle keyword:
$ for n in `seq 1 15`; do mkdir /central_backup/ServerNetBackup/slots/slot${n}; done
We then need to label all slots:
$ for n in `seq 1 15` ; do amlabel ServerNetBackup ServerNetBackup-${n} slot ${n}; done
Create all required directories as defined in the configuration file:
$ mkdir /etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup/curinfo
$ mkdir /etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup/logs
$ mkdir /etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup/index
Configure Service and What to Backup
We need to define what to backup in a file called disklist. As user amandabackup, create this file:
$ su - amandabackup
$ vim /etc/amanda/ServerNetBackup/disklist
And add following line: /home/webby/public_html comp-user-tar /etc root-tar
Notes: Make sure the hostname is FQDN and can be resolved to an IP. Add the host entry into /etc/hosts is recomended.
Exit from amandabackup user and get back to root user:
Enable amanda service in xinetd.d directory:
vim /etc/xinetd.d/amanda
And change following line from "yes" to "no"
Enable on boot and restart xinetd service:
$ chkconfig xinetd on
$ service xinetd restart
Check the amanda server whether it is running properly by using following command:
$ netstat -a | grep amanda
udp 0 0 *:amanda *:*
If you see result as above, amanda server is ready to serve!
Install Amanda Backup Client
Login to the client’s server and install required package for Amanda using yum:
$ yum install -y amanda amanda-client
As user amandabackup, add following line into /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts to specify where is Amanda backup server:
$ su - amandabackup
$ vim /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts
And make sure the value as below: amandabackup amdump
localhost amandabackup amdump
localhost.localdomain amandabackup amdump
Exit from user amandabackup and turn to root user:
Enable amanda service in xinetd.d directory:
$ vim /etc/xinetd.d/amanda
And change following line from"yes" to "no"
Enable on boot and start the xinetd service
$ chkconfig xinetd on
$ service xinetd start
Add an entry in /etc/hosts to define backup server IP by adding following line:
In some case, you may need to change the permission of the directory that you want to backup. For example, I need to allow user amandabackup to access directory /home/webby/public_html to create backup:
As root user, change the permission of the directory:
$ chmod 755 /home/webby
Run the Backup Process
Now go back to the Amanda server and check our configuration file as amandabackup user:
$ su - amandabackup
$ amcheck ServerNetBackup
You should see the output similar to this:
Client check: 2 host checked in 2.070 seconds. 0 problems found.
If no error found, you can start the backup process immediately by running following command:
$ amdump ServerNetBackup
Or, we can automate this process using cronjob. Run following command as amandabackup user:
$ crontab -e
And add following line:
45 0 * * 2-6 /usr/sbin/amdump ServerNetBackup
As root user, reload the crond service to activate this job:
$ service crond reload
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